Funny Things Kids Write at School

Kid Party Candidate for President of the United States

Kid Party Candidate for President of the United States




RIP Mr. Bubls

RIP Mr. Bubls

Ethan's family had a funeral when his sister's fish died. Ethan wrote a eulogy of sorts to commemorate the tragedy.

Death has never been described so succinctly.

Admittedly, not so great for Mr. Bubls (RIP), but good for us, even though we do fell bad.

Let it Linger (And Leave a Note)

Let it Linger (And Leave a Note)

Chrissy found this laying on her husband's pillow:


When documenting incidents of flatulence in relation to bedding, accurate timestamping is always important.

Because Sharks, That's Why.

William is reading The Battle of Riptide, the second book in the Shark Wars series.

His teacher requires him to complete a reading log question after he finishes his daily home reading.

Yesterday's question asked this:

Kids Notes

Because a shark on land is a dead shark. That's why.

Nailed it.

Dads and Grandpas: Bring on the Nair!

Dads and Grandpas: Bring on the Nair!


It's probably safe to assume that Uncle Jeff has a hairy chest and arms, as well.


Thanks to Jessica for sharing her 7-year-old's astute, concise observations detailing the only real meaningful difference between males and females.

Speaking of being observant, this is a great time of year to discover some hidden gems in your children's backpacks as you decontaminate and disinfect clean them out. Please consider submitting these treasures to Stuff Kids Write! (No, we're not referring to the rock-hard, half-eaten cheese sticks; we mean the humorous school assignments.)

And have a terrific Father's Day, all you hairy beasts out there! Just don't go shedding all over everybody!

Armpit Farts: The Only Way to End Your Day

Armpit Farts: The Only Way to End Your Day

Michael over at Dadicus Grinch shared this daily "To Do" list that his 7-year-old son Hayden brought home from school one day.

Michael asked if the teacher had assigned Hayden and his classmates the job of making a list: "No, a few of us just wanted to make them."

You'll find that Hayden's list is incredibly thorough (and hilarious).

to_do_list to_do_list2 to_do_list4 to_do_list5

A couple of annotations, courtesy of Michael:

4. "Special"is the term for a rotating class: Art, Gym, Music…

14. "Pink" is what we call their fluoride rinse. So glad that I put the fear of the dentist in them — can you tell?

17. "Jump and do armpit farts"The boy is lucky he hasn't cracked any ribs he's been doing so many damn armpit farts.

In honor of 7-year-olds everywhere, we at Stuff Kids Write invite to join us in completing Hayden's list today.

Just don't crack any ribs.

A Sole-ful Confession

A Sole-ful Confession

Max Note

Thanks to Thom for sharing this confessional note courtesy of his 4-year-old (with a possible assist from his preschool teacher).

Max's preschool teacher. Not Thom's.

The Best Santa Letter Book Ever!

Phillip Santa Letter Page 1 Phillip Santa Letter Page 2 Phillip Santa Letter Page 3 Phillip Santa Letter Page 4Thanks to Liz for sharing her 8-year-old's Christmas letter! (And good luck with that list, Liz!)

Happy holidays, everyone!

Cranny Envy


It's not the size of the cranny, but how you use it, amirite?

Happy Thanksgiving!!!


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