Who Was Naked Neighbor in Easy Money

Easy Money (1983) Poster

6 /10

easily skip-able, but still good for some laughs

I am not a huge fan of this film, but I've got to admit that it will most likely make you laugh. It's extremely low-brow and has a lot of cheap laughs, but sometimes a movie like this is exactly what you might need. In other words, nothing deep or requiring your full attention--just a silly movie. To me, this movie is nearly as funny as Dangerfield's follow-up film, BACK TO SCHOOL and both are fun time-passers.

The plot, such as it is, is really just an excuse to watch Rodney tell a lot of dopey jokes and get in stupid situations. He is ably assisted by a pre-mafia days Joe Pesci--an amiable friend who tries to keep Rodney from losing the money left to him by his battleaxe mother-in-law in her will--provided he STOP drinking, gambling and lose weight. The end is particularly satisfying and it's a fun romp.

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8 /10

Classic comedy

I was looking for a good comedy to watch and my mom recommended Easy Money which she had on VHS. I wasn't sure since I'm not a big fan of Rodney Dangerfield, but she mentioned that Joe Pesci and Jeffrey Jones, so I figured I would give it a shot. Now even though I'm not a fan of Rodney Dangerfield, I have to admit that he and the rest of the cast made this film extremely enjoyable. I really miss comedies like this, where the comedy was just so simple and had jokes that were a sure hit with most. Despite it being predictable and like a sit com, this was a great comedy.

Monty is a rude, over weight alcoholic with a gambling problem, he has friends who have the same problem, but a family that still loves him. His daughter is about to get married to a gang member that he doesn't approve of. But when his mother in law dies, they inherit 10 million dollars, but there is an exception to when he gets the money, for a whole year, Monty has to behave and get clean and sober. With encouragement from his family and friends, Monty does the best he can to get that money.

I just loved Joe Pesci, he's like that little kid who took on the big bully's and actually won the fight, he's just such a funny character, I love Joe! We also have the "unknown" actors of the time, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Jeffrey Jones, among others. I loved the ending, it's definitely a classic and so funny. I would recommend this movie to anyone, it's all in good fun and a great comedy, we need more films like this today.


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7 /10

One of Rodney's best

It's not everyday where you get to watch a good comedy starring Joe Pesci. No one cares now, but when Rodney decides to join the big comedy club up in the sky above, Easy Money will be broadcast on every comedy network from Maine to San Diego. Second to only Caddy Shack, Easy Money is Rodney's best and most loved film roles as the guy who never gets any respect. A wonderful story with a wonderful arrangement of characters including Rodney and Pesci. Overall, Rodney makes the film come together with his comic genius.

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9 /10

Rodney Dangerfield at his best!

Warning: Spoilers

Classic Rodney... expanding on the work he did in 'Caddyshack' as well as his own stand-up routine persona. He's crass, crude, and just plain hilarious. The whole joke of the movie is trying to force him to NOT be himself in order to earn the "easy money" his wife's mother has left in her will if he can straighten himself out. It's not just in watching him be "Rodney On the Loose", but also getting to see what happens when he's forced to stop being, well, Rodney. Even then, he's still Rodney, and maybe even more hilarious.

In this movie he has a supporting cast that's up to the job: Joe Pesci as his over-the-top best friend, Jennifer Jason Leigh as his newlywed daughter to a hilarious Taylor Negron, Candace Azzara as is fed-up wife. The scenes between Allison and Julio are classic line merits alone, without Rodney. The exercise bike into the Christmas tree is PERFECT Rodney.

And you will never ever walk away from this film being able to just "browse" around a dept. store again; nor will you resist wanting to go for your own "Regular Guy" look.

My sister and I have watched this movie maybe 50+ times since it originally appeared on HBO, and we still quote lines back and forth. "Caddyshack" we laughed until we cried; "Back to School" we chuckled. It was this movie that we still watch and go into fits over, reciting lines, because it is classic Rodney at is best. Not set to the side just to bring on a chuckle or two, not given some over-sentimentalized junk, but just the guy we watched doing stand-up late at night when we were probably supposed to be in bed.

Thank you Rodney from me and my sister!

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9 /10

Watch this during "must see TV"

Forget about those hyped up banal TV shows, and rent yourself a copy of this film. It features Rodney Dangerfield at or around his acting pinnacle, as well as some early entertaining performances by Joe Pesci and Jennifer Jason Leigh. Damn funny stuff from the beginning. Suffer along with Monty as he is forced to give up most all the things in life he holds dear, so as to satisfy the requirements of his mother-in-law's will. Some highly memorable situations and one-liners will serve as the basis of much reference material for fellow fans.

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9 /10

Rodney Dangerfield is the best stand up comic ever!

Warning: Spoilers

I rarely watch a movie more than twice, but this one I've watched four times since I bought the DVD. I just want to hear the theme song one more time - and end up watching the whole movie!

The story is very good, both funny and thought provoking. There's not a dull moment. Even the scenes with Monty's daughter and Julio, which at first seem a little unnecessary, make sense at the end (SPOILERS!) when Julio accidentally shoots Monty in the a**. If this isn't Rodney Dangerfield's greatest film, I don't know what is. It's the best that I have seen, and I have seen a lot of good ones: Caddyshack, Back to school and Meet Wally Sparks. Little Nicky with Adam Sandler is horrible, avoid it like plague... Speaking of - Joe Pesci as Rodney / Monty's pal Nicky does one of his best comedic performances as well. The scene where he shows Monty how easy it is to control smoking is hilarious.

At the risk of sounding a little naive (like Monty's pal Paddy, when he tries to pick up the stripper by asking her to meet his parents), I have to say I was a little disappointed (SPOILERS!) at the lack of moral the end of the story provided. Therefore - 9/10.

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10 /10

Rodney and Joe Pesci Rule the screen!

The funniest film I have ever seen (29 viewings and counting)! Rodney's overall lifestyle as a married with two daughters Staten Island baby photographer who happens to drink, gamble, go to strip bars and get late night diner food with his best pal Nicky Marino (played by Oscar winner Joe Pesci), is unlike anything I've seen before and since. His struggles to live without his vices in order to collect the "easy money" are hilarious and include dealing with his daughter's slimy Puerto Rican boyfriend Julio and having to photograph a bratty child while still going through withdrawal. Pesci is a cross between his Good Fellas and Lethal Weapon 2 characters and has never been funnier.

This is a companion film for anyone who liked Caddyshack.

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Easy Money

Dangerfield is in top form in his first starring vehicle as a slob who tries to mend his ways in order to inherit his mother-in-law's estate. Memorable one liners and classic gags that show off the comedien's immense talents. Title song by Billy Joel.

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Ya gotta love Rodney

One of my favorite movie lines is, "Can I call you dad?"

Caddyshack was described as "slob humor," and this exercise in vulgarity is a double-guilty pleasure.

There are excellent gags-- Rodney flying into the Christmas tree, Rodney flipping channels past The Lost Weekend-- and good supporting performances. Joe Pesci clipping his underarm hair says it all.

And, underneath all of the roughneck recklessness, there's a pretty well written movie.

Thanks, Rodney.

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8 /10

One of my favorite Rodney Dangerfiled movies.

I find this to be the funniest of Rodney Dangerfield's starring vehicles. He was also played a pivotal role in the super hilarious "Caddyshack", but that one was not his movie alone while this one is along with other films like "Back to School" and "Ladybugs", two movies of his that for the most part are kind of blah with a few funny moments here and there. This one is about a man whose mother-in-law does not care for him much at all. Nothing new there. However, the difference here is that his mother-in-law is very wealthy and she kicks the bucket and is willing to leave her money to his wife only if he agrees to not gamble, drink, lose weight and not leer at women. All things this guy loves to do. Dangerfield is great here as is Joe Pesci who plays one of Dangerfield's buds. The story does go in a way that one would expect, however there is a nice little twist at the end and an even funnier twist as we will learn that Dangerfield kind of gets the last laugh. The comedy is good and you get you funny jokes that only he could do. I love the one where he witnesses his neighbor getting a suntan. This one never gets overly sentimental and keeps the humor up throughout the movie rather well. A nice Dangerfield flick in my view, probably the best where he is top billed.

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10 /10

Wonderful movie.

I do-not usually watch very many movies. Usually only 30's to 60's movies. This movie I caught by accident on a Saturday afternoon. From the moment I watched it I couldn't stop laughing. There actually were tears in my eyes. Rodney Dangerfield was definitely at his best in this comedy. There were so many hilarious moments and incidents most of them not expected. He also was not overacting as we all can relate to the character he portrays in this movie, basically himself. We are all familiar with the character perhaps being similar to ourselves. His friends in the movie were not stereotypes rather true-life characters on our own blocks everywhere. Ms. Azzara was perfect as the wife. She contributed her true New York accent, Italian heritage and many talents. She was low-key but no one could help but notice her fine talents and portrayal. The five minutes before the ending were a bit disappointing but the ending made up for it. This movie is to be enjoyed and shared by everyone. A ' Diamond in the Rough '. Pure pleasure.

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Rodney's funniest flick

EASY MONEY (1983) *** 1/2 Rodney Dangerfield, Joe Pesci, Candy Azarra, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Jeffrey Jones, Geraldine Fitzgerald, Taylor Negron, Jeff Altman. Respectless Rodney is at his peak comic form as put-upon baby photographer Monty Capuletti (the name even conjures WC Fields, whom I've always compared to Rod) whose family stands to inherit his prickly mother-in-law's vast wealth upon her accidental death with one stipulation: he remain straight and narrow (as well as clean and sober!) for one year. Some truly uproarious moments including able support from wiseguy Pesci as his best friend and fellow ball-buster (the two in his deceased in-law's stodgy department store is a riot). Top drawer Dangerfield. My favorite part is his trying unsuccessfully to get a pudgy tyke named Dominic to settle down for his portrait (`Someone shut the fat little b****rd up!')

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10 /10

One of the funniest movies ever.

Easy Money is the most underrated comedy out there. Everyone loves Caddyshack and that movie has many hilarious scenes, but it also has too much unnecessary drama involving the caddy and his Irish girlfriend. Michael O' Keefe's the caddy, a boring character with no trace of comedy to add to the film, and he's got the most screen time! Come on. Back to School is only funny when Rodney Dangerfield is on screen and too much time is devoted to his lame son. In Easy Money you get plenty of Rodney. You also get Joe Pesci in his funniest role ever. The best part of the film is it's realistic characters and situations. This film captures urban Italian Americans better than any film since Saturday Night Fever. The dialog is top notch and Geraldine Fitzgerald as Rodney's mother-in-law is pitch-perfect in her role. The direction is especially tight for a comedy as well. There is a wonderful crane shot of Rodney's daughter's backyard wedding party that captures urban living perfectly. There is also a nice balance of dialog humor and sight gags. A scene where two men try to break into Rodney's house is visually hilarious and Rodney riding an exercise bike into his Christmas tree is as good as sight gags get.

The plot deals with Rodney's mother-in-law dying and leaving him her vast fortune. The catch is that he has to give up drugs, booze and gluttony for a whole year. The movie follows his struggle through that tough year. The plot works fine, but is immaterial for the most part. The film is about older men who may have married and reproduced, but still cruise around with the guys, smoking joints and drinking beers. It's about their easy camaraderie and the ball busting that is actually perpetrated as an endearment. Movies rarely showcase such characters, but there are plenty out there. Rodney Dangerfield and Joe Pesci represent them realistically and of course comedically as well. Look for an especially inspired scene where Rodney and Pesci check out the department store that Rodney will inherit if he makes good. It's one of those scenes that merits at least one rewind on video, believe me. A nearly flawless comedy and I highly recommend it!

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7 /10

Rodney Dangerfield makes me happy

Monty Capuletti (Rodney Dangerfield) drinks too much, smokes too much, and gambles too much. He carouses with Nicky Cerone (Joe Pesci) and Paddy (Tom Noonan). His wife Rose (Candy Azzara) loves him but his ruthless widower mother-in-law Mrs. Monahan (Geraldine Fitzgerald) hates the baby photographer lacking ambition. She owns a department store and Clive Barlow (Jeffrey Jones) is her assistant. Monty's daughter Allison (Jennifer Jason Leigh) marries Julio (Taylor Negron) but she runs home after her failed wedding night. When his mother-in-law dies, Monty inherits most of the $10 million estate but only after a year of clean living. If he fails, Barlow gets it.

Rodney Dangerfield makes me happy. He is utterly lovable. He makes this funny. I don't know if it would work with anybody else. I also like the side story with Jennifer Jason Leigh and Taylor Negron. The great thing here is Dangerfield as the lovable schlub and the audience roots for him. I would like a denser level of laughs but this one keep me smiling throughout.

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Classic 80's Comedy

If you are a big fan of Rodney's this is the movie to see! A lot of funny one liners. His comic timing is perfect.

A perfect guide to how men should behave! Also watch "Back to School"

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8 /10

Rodney Dangerfield excels in this totally sidesplitting hoot

Warning: Spoilers

Blithely slobby and vulgar child photographer and gambling addict Monty Capuletti (Rodney Dangerfield in fine robustly crass form) must give up all his vices and get on the right straight'n'narrow path within a year's time in order to inherit $10 million dollars from his shrewish mother-in-law Ms. Monahan (deliciously essayed with perfectly snippy aplomb by Geraldine Fitzgerald). Director James Signorelli tells the story at a constant snappy pace and does an expert job relating the delightfully raucous and rowdy sense of gleefully shameless lowbrow humor at an appropriately manic pitch. Granted, said humor is often unapologetically rude and gross, but still funny as all get out just the same. The scenes of Monty exercising and resisting his baser impulses are hilarious; ditto a sequence in which Monty and his hot-tempered sleazeball best buddy Nicky Cerone (a wonderfully lively performance by Joe Pesci) loudly disrupt the tranquility of a swanky department store. Moreover, the cast sink their teeth into their roles with infectiously enthusiastic gusto: Dangerfield has an absolute ball in a tailer-made lead role, with excellent support from Pesci, Candice Azzara his Monty's loving wife Rose, Val Avery as the crusty Louie the bartender, Tom Noonan as the dim-witted Paddy, Jennifer Jason Leigh as Monty's sweet, naive older daughter Allison, Taylor Negron as Allison's slimy jerk husband Julio, Jeffrey Jones as smarmy and snooty corporate bigwig Clive Barlow, and Lili Haydn as Monty's bratty younger daughter Belinda. Gorgeous "Playboy" Playmate Kimberly McArthur has a memorably sexy bit as Monty's tempting topless swinger neighbor Ginger Jones. Laurence Rosenthal provides a nicely jaunty screwball score. Fred Schuler's slick cinematography likewise does the trick. Billy Joel sings the great'n'groovy theme song. The final gag is a priceless gem. An absolute gut-busting riot.

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The best Rodney Dangerfield movie. Really.

Not a single classless cliché has been omitted from this all-time comedy classic. From the lime-green and lavender wedding gowns and the magic fingers bed assist, to the all timer, the "Regular Guy Look", Easy Money just keeps coming at you with one hilarious situation, another memorable line after another.

Joe Pesci brings just as much to the table as Rodney here alternately feeding, then stealing the yucks. And Jeffrey Jones plays the perfect foil-the genesis of his famous Dean Rooney in Ferris Bueller's Day Off.

Add Taylor Negron and Tom Noonan, not to mention Jennifer Jason Leigh and you have some serious talent working hard for the money.

And they're so good, they make it look easy.

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8 /10

Prime time Rodney

"Easy Money" has grown on me quite a bit over the years. I saw this movie in the theater when it first came out (Bellerose, NY). I didn't like it as much back then as I do now. I liked most of it but I didn't like the "regular guy" scene. That stuff is the weakest part of the movie but it doesn't bother me like it used to. The rest of "Easy Money" is very funny. It has one great line after another. Although "Easy Money" is funny throughout, the story runs out of steam after an hour or so. "Easy Money" is always an enjoyable watch despite its story lags.

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8 /10


Funny silly comedy but I love it. It's just fun. Joe Pesci is hilarious. Who knew he could be funny. Usually tough guy roles well except for Home Alone.

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5 /10

Rodney goes without

Rodney Dangerfield made his name in low brow slobbish roles. In Easy Money he plays Monty Capuletti, a kids photographer in New York. He is a working class guy who likes to eat junk food, drink, visit strip clubs, smoking dope and gamble with his friends which includes Joe Pesci and Tom Noonan.

His mother in law, Geraldine Fitzgerald is actually a wealthy woman who owns a high end department store and she hates Monty with a passion. When she dies, she stipulates in her will that if Monty is able to give up his vices for a year, by eating good food, giving up drugs and gambling, he will receive $10 million. If he cannot, his family will get nothing and her scheming nephew Jeffrey Jones will inherit everything.

The film is a bit hit and miss but is sporadically amusing. It feels rather underpowered maybe because you feel both Pesci and Noonan are underused. The film has a good theme song by Billy Joel.

The subplot of Monty's daughter marrying a Puerto Rican and then is reluctant to loser her virginity to him comes across as clunky.

Still Dangerfield reduxed the bare bones of the story a few years later and called it Back to School.

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10 /10

Maybe it lacks polish, maybe it lacks taste, actually there is no maybe about it, but it's funny as all hell.

I remember playing in the school yard in third grade, everyone was afraid of the truck with the camera, "they're taking pictures of kids to kidnap them." Oh well, I'm still here and it turns out it was the film crew for this movie. Who knows, maybe it was the weekly sessions or it was my growing up in Staten Island but this movie makes me laugh.

Set in Staten Island this is a film about Monty, a guy who by his own admission "smokes too much, drinks too much, I gamble" his quest to get his daughter married and kick his habits in order to fulfill the requirements of his mother-in-law's will. James Signorelli did a great job of satirizing life in Staten Island in the early 80's.

This is one of my top three films give it a try.

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10 /10

Easy funny

As a New Yorker, I find that it easy to see why most non-New Yorkers would not love this movie, the way I did. There is a cultural advantage to understand humor in the actions and expressions of the Staten Island dweller, if in fact, you know people who speak and act the same way.

In this movie, Dangerfield is at the top of his game and Pesci has never been funnier (in a supporting role). The dialogue between them is 'Classic, Staten Island'.

Great support comes from Jennifer Jason Leigh and Taylor Negron. Leigh plays the daughter of Dangerfield, who is recently married and still keeps hearing her father's voice, saying 'No'. Negron, Leighs' newly wed hubby, has obvious problems with this and what follows is a terrific sub-plot to an already funny series of events.

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3 /10

Easy Money, Difficult Watch

To me, Rodney Dangerfield is like most medicine, he can only be taken in small doses. Once I think, "You know what, this wasn't that bad, I could use some more," then I'm in the hospital getting my stomach pumped. Needless to say, I didn't finish the movie. Rodney is not totally repulsive, it's just that his act wears on my nerves after the fifth or sixth thousandth "You know."

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Source: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0085470/reviews

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